Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Grammar Edit 2

Week 4

Screen position edit:
- focuses or directs the eye to a new position on screen.

Form Edit:
- a transistion from a shot which has a pronounced shape, color, dimension or sound to a shot which has matching.
- generally a cut but can be mixed with sound as a motivation -> usually time with sound to another location e.g. Ridley's BHD rotating fan scene as the transistion to the chopper blades in the next scene.

Concept Edit:
- purely a mental suggestion.
- becos of the 2 shots chosen and the point that the edit is made, it plants a story in your mind.
- covers changes in time, place or story.

Matching Shot:
- generally try to cut matching shots.
- shots which are similar angle, similar lens, at a similar distance from subject have similar depth of field provided they have similar composition and content.

Editing Dialogue:
- never edit out a performer's pauses unless there's a good reason.
- accept them as a guide and use them as a motivation.
- sometimes you can change the complete meaning of a scene.

other notes:
- reaction shots seem more natural during a phrase or sentence than at the end. this is becos of where your eyes scan. Generally we look at the listener during a conversation not only at the end.
- remember the medium is vision and sound.
- must be additive to add something to a shot.
- better to show 2 eyes and more frontal if emotion of reaction is to be shown out.
- Possibly avoid doing an action edit from long shot to a close up.
- avoid composing an actor with lines running across his head for example.
- try not to cut halfway into a zoom or dollie.


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